In ideal scenario your middle-ware should have a listener for your outbound IDOC port. In case you don’t have and you need to expose your outbound IDOC as a service then you can use it.

  1. Create a WSDL of the IDOC
  2. Create Proxy of the WSDL
  3. Process the incoming message and post IDOC

Advantages over RFC web services:

  • IDOC gets created in the runtime so we can avoid making all the DB queries to build the business logic (like we do in RFC’s).
  • It will be faster than RFC’s as all the data is already staged in IDOC. It gets the data from IDOC and sends it as response
  • No empty tags as we see in RFC based web services. It will reduce the payload significantly
  • JSON will reduce the payload even further making the overall performance better

OUTPUT example

Outbound IDOC as web service – XML/JSON



Outbound IDOC as web service – XML/JSON


Outbound IDOC as web service – XML/JSON

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