Hello All,

Greetings !!!

Kindly Find the attached code to Load Multiple instances of Same form in SAP Business One to Avoid “Form Already Exist Error”.

#Region "Load Form" 'To Load Form in SAP Business One Sub LoadForm(ByVal XMLFile As String, ByVal FormType As String, ByVal FormUID As String, Optional ByVal FileType As ResourceType = ResourceType.Content) Try Dim xmldoc As New Xml.XmlDocument Dim Streaming As System.IO.Stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Simple_Form." + XMLFile) Dim StreamRead As New System.IO.StreamReader(Streaming, True) xmldoc.LoadXml(StreamRead.ReadToEnd) StreamRead.Close() Dim r As New Random r.Next(1000) If Not xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("//form") Is Nothing Then xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("//form").Attributes.GetNamedItem("uid").Value = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("//form").Attributes.GetNamedItem("uid").Value & "_" & r.Next GOD_Main.GOD_Application.LoadBatchActions(xmldoc.InnerXml) End If Catch ex As Exception GOD_Main.GOD_Application.MessageBox(ex.Message) End Try End Sub #End Region


Thanks and Regards,




How to Load Form With Multiple Instances in SAP Business One? To Avoid “Form Already Exist Error”

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