
you might be unaware of the ongoing initiative of Customer Connection within Plant Maintenance. This initiative is dedicated to improve the current Plant Maintenance solution in Business Suite.
Customer Connect is one influence program for giving our customers the opportunity to influence the software.

General Information about Customer Connection you find here

Detailed Information about this Customer Connection within Plant Maintenance  project you find here.

In case you want to get more involved and influence the development please subscribe in the Innovation space and contact .
The Customer Connection group is always happy to get more customers involved in defining, testing and improving the current solution.

In this blog we will collect the the different blogs which where we will keep you informed about the Improvements delivered to our Customers.


  1. Enhanced Display of Purchasing Data within Plant Maintenance Order
  2. Simplified Tracking of preventive maintenance activities
  3. Simplified User experience in Maintenance Order
  4. adding Objects to the Order Object List Web User Interface


Stephan Bantlin